What Are The Three Pillars Of Sustainability

What Are The Three Pillars Of Sustainability

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The Three Pillars Of Sustainability

Many organisations wonder exactly what are the three pillars of sustainability. These are widely recognized as the three main components of sustaining economic, environmental and social welfare. 

According to the United Nations, these pillars are “social sustainability,” “environmental sustainability,” and “economic sustainability.” All three of these pillars are essential for a sustainable future and must be addressed in order to achieve sustainable development goals. 

The Three Pillars

Social Sustainability

Social sustainability focuses on the quality of life of people and communities, including their health, safety, education, and access to basic services. It also emphasises social equity, which is the distribution of resources and opportunities among people. This pillar is important because it ensures that people’s basic needs are met, such as access to clean water, food, and healthcare. 

Environmental Protection

The environmental pillar focuses on the protection of natural resources, such as air and water, and the preservation of biodiversity. It also includes the preservation of living conditions, such as the quality of air, water, and soil. This pillar is important because it ensures that future generations will have access to the same resources and environment that we have today. 

Economic Sustainability

The economic pillar focuses on the production of goods and services that are economically viable and financially sustainable. This includes the protection of natural resources, the development of renewable energy sources, and the efficient use of resources. 

This pillar is important because it ensures that businesses can continue to produce quality goods and services in the long term, while also protecting the environment. 

How These Goals Can Be Met

Businesses are being tasked with more responsibility than ever before to ensure they operate in a way that is economically, socially and environmentally sustainable. It is becoming increasingly important for businesses to realise the impact their operations are having on the world and make changes to ensure they are meeting their sustainability goals. 

Social Goals

This can be done by engaging with the local community, offering fair wages and working conditions, and supporting local causes. For example, businesses can set up a volunteer programme where employees can volunteer their time to help the local community. They can also support local businesses and charities by donating resources and helping with fundraising initiatives. 

Environmental Goals

This can be done by introducing a recycling scheme, such as collecting and sorting recyclable items, or investing in renewable energy sources. Businesses can also reduce their carbon footprint by using reusable materials and investing in energy-efficient machinery. Additionally, businesses can reduce their water consumption by introducing water-saving measures, such as using water-efficient fixtures and fittings. 

Economic Goals

Businesses can achieve this by having a clear long-term strategy, investing in the latest technology and implementing cost-saving measures. For example, businesses can reduce costs by reducing energy consumption by turning off lights and machinery when not in use, or investing in renewable energy. They can also outsource non-essential tasks, such as accounting and book-keeping, to reduce costs. 

How Focusing On This Improves Your Business

When businesses focus on the three pillars, they are able to create a sustainable business model that will benefit both the environment and the bottom line. By focusing on the economic, social, and environmental aspects of their operations, businesses can create a more sustainable future for the world. This will help to ensure that generations going forward will have access to the same resources and environment that we have today. 

The Sustainable Development Goals

The United Nations has developed the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to help guide countries and organisations in their efforts to create a sustainable future. The SDGs provide a framework for businesses to use when they are looking to create a sustainable business model. This means businesses can ensure that their operations are in line with the SDGs, and help to create a more sustainable workplace. 

The 2022 SDG Index is topped by Finland, followed by three Nordic countries –Denmark, Sweden and Norway, whilst the UK ranks at number 11. The top countries have all scored above 80, with a score of 100 indicating that all SDGs have been achieved. This shows many countries are implementing these goals and increasingly growing closer to achieving the three pillars. 

Why These Pillars Are Essential

The three pillars of sustainability are essential for creating a sustainable future for the world. The pillars of social, economic, and environmental sustainability must all be addressed in order to achieve sustainable development goals. By understanding this goal, businesses can create a sustainable business model that helps to protect the environment and the people around them. Doing so will ensure that in years to come, people will have access to the same resources and lifestyle that we have.

Increase Your Businesses Environmental Goals With Plastic Expert

If you are looking to increase your recycling rates and help future generations to meet their sustainable goals then get in touch with our team. We can help recycle bulk loads of waste, including most plastics, cardboard, paper, and even hazardous materials. This means we can offer you varied collections and even provide rebates for certain quantities of waste types. 

Our business also provides recycling machinery for hire to help you manage your recyclable waste. These pieces of equipment allow you to reduce waste volumes, which creates an easier recycling process and reduces collection loads. Whilst you can cut transportation, you can also reduce your carbon footprint at each step.

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